Workshop on “OECD’s Science and Technology Statistics Methodology, Finland’s experience of and Vietnam’spractical situation”

Wednesday, 18/05/2011 16:32 GMT+7
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On May 17, 2011, in Hanoi the National Agency for Science and Technology Information(NASATI) coordinated with Vietnam – Finland Renovation – Innovation Partnership Program (IPP) to organize the Workshop on “OECD’s Science and Technology Statistical...

Participating in the Workshop were the Senior Expert in charge of S&T statistics and innovation of Finland Ari Leppalahti, Chief Advisor of IPP Project Hannu Kokko, Deputy Director of NASATI Lê Xuân Định, representative leaders of some agencies under MOST and participants from Ministries, branches, universities, research institutes, S&T State management agencies, relating agencies in the organization and implementation of S&T statistics.

Main contents of the Workshop were focused on following topics: OECD’s methodology on science, technology and innovation statistics; Finland’s experience in using OECD’s statistical methodology; possibilities of using OECD’s methodology for Vietnam’s practical situation.

After the Prime Minister issued Decree 30/2006/NĐ-CP on S&T statistics, MOST has urgently carried out S&T statistical activities, developed some documents on guideline provisions and implementation. Minister of Science and Technology has assigned NASATI to fulfill S&T statistical functions and advisory tasks which assist the Minister to manage, provide guidelines, organize and implement statistical activities of S&T branch. Although certain results have been achieved, there are still a lot of inconsistencies in S&T statistics, which can’t meet requirements. In order to overcome this situation, one of key steps is to strengthen statistical abilities for S&T statistical activities. S&T statistical activities should be applied with advanced and standard methodologies.

“With the support of IPP project, it is expected that this year we will translate and publish the most essential manuals on OECD’s S&T and innovation statistics in Vietnamese. We will carry out pilot surveys on scientific research and development in agriculture field. The Workshop on OECD’s Science and Technology Statistics Methodology, Finland’s experience of and Vietnam’s practical is one of important activities of the Project”, Dr. Lê Xuân Định said.

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