Opening ceremony of International Exhibition on Recycled and dispersed Energy (Enerexpo Vietnam 2010)

Thursday, 18/03/2010 09:21 GMT+7
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On 17/3/2010, at the International Exhibition Center (Ha Noi) was held the Opening ceremony of “International exhibition on solutions for recycled and dispersed energy” (Enerexpo Vietnam 2010). The Exhibition was organized in coordination between the...

Attending the Opening Ceremony was Mr. Hoang Van Phong, Minister of Science and Technology; Mr. Harald Muller, President, General Director of IMAG; Mr. Tạ Bá Hưng, Director of the National Department of Science and Technology Information; Mr. Claus Heidorn, representative of German Embassy to Vietnam; Mr. Nguyễn Đình Hiệp, Director of Department of Science and Technology (Ministry of Trade). Participating in the Opening Ceremony were representatives from Ministries, Department, Bureaus, Institutes; Groups of Petroleum, Coals and Minerals, Electricity, leaders of Departments of Science and Technology of provinces and cities; Universities, S&T organizations in related fields; representatives of media agencies, broadcasting and television agencies at the Central and local level.

Enerexpo Vietnam 2010 has attracted the participation of nearly 30 big groups from 9 leading countries in terms of recycled energy (RE), such as Germany, Denmark, France, the United States ... In his opening speech, Mr. Harald Muller, President and General Director of IMAG, said that all these big groups have displayed in Enerexpo Vietnam 2010 the best things in the world in order to bring in best knowledge, skills, experience as well as information, products and services. Technologies and equipment which have been displayed in Enerexpo are focused on following fields and solutions as solar Energy; wind Energy; Hydro-electricity; Biological energy; geothermic energy; recycled energy transition; recycle energy transmission; Provision of recycled energy and distribution of dispersed energy; Industries providing technical machines, equipment and components.

Delivering the speech at the Opening Ceremony, Minster Hoang Van Phong emphasized that during the development process, nations have given energy security the first priority. Due to strong exploration and usage, precious fossil energy sources, which are non-recycled energy sources, have gradually become exhausted, causing the risk of energy insecurity in many nations, regions and international world. The development and exploration of recycled energy is an important direction and has been paid attention in the world and Vietnam. Vietnam is a country which is considered to have potentially abundant recycled energy (such as wind energy, hydroelectricity, solar energy...). Recycle energy can produce electricity out of the electricity grids, which is cheap and contribute to ensure the energy security. If investments in development of recycled energy resources are carried out in right directions, these energy resources can contribute an important part to solve energy issues, explore properly natural resources, protect the environment, which is currently the important issue, contributing to ensure Vietnam’s sustainable economic development.

In the Master plan on Recycled Energy Development”, Vietnam has set the objective by 2020, the yield of recycled electricity will account for about 5% of the total electricity sources, in which priorities will be given to recycled energy towards directions of small hydro-electricity, wind electricity, solar electricityHowever, the investment in production of energy sources as wind electricity, hydro-electricity, solar electricity requires a lot of budget and high techniques. Most of equipment and components relating to production of recycled energy haven’t been manufactured in Vietnam and need to be imported. It is necessary to understand technologies and international counterparts in recycled energy production. Therefore, the organization of Enerexpo Vietnam 2010 in Hà Nội is a necessary and meaningful action. This is a good opportunity for Vietnam’s managers, scientists, and enterprises to have access to advanced and modern technologies and equipment of the world in the field of recycled energy, to look for reliable foreign counterparts for development cooperation.

The Enerexpo Vietnam 2010 is also an essential activity in order to fulfill Vietnam’s commitments made in Compenhaghen summit on climate change and strengthen use and development of high technologies, new technologies in recycled energy development, contributing to the country’s social and economic sustainable development. On behalf of Ministry of Science and Technology, which is the sponsor agency of Enerexpo Vietnam 2010, Minister Hoang Van Phong has highly appreciated the participation of Vietnamese and foreign organizations and enterprises, which have actively participated in this important event.

During the 3- day exhibition, there were some conferences, workshops and presentations of leading experts and companies in the world on topics of Current policy framework for energy development”, “Opportunities and challenges for energy development” and Technologies of recycled energy and Practical studies”.

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