Russia – Vietnam Conference on building Center for Nuclear Techniques and Technology Cooperation

Thursday, 27/05/2010 08:07 GMT+7
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In the working agenda of the Russian expert delegation to Vietnam to participate in the 4th International Nuclear Electricity Exhibition from May 27 – 29, 2010 there was a working session with Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) on building the...

The direction of building the Center for Nuclear Techniques and Technology Cooperation was one of activities mentioned in the Master plan on implementing Ninh Thuan Nuclear Electricity Project which the Prime Minister has approved and assigned the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to be the investor of the project on building the Center. MOST has assigned VAEC to chair the study of scientific basis and practical background to develop the proposal on building the Center and submit to the Government for approval.

The main purposes of establishing the Center for Nuclear Techniques and Technology Cooperation were to support the implementation of Ninh Thuan Nuclear Electricity Project in terms of scientific, technological and human resource aspects, build capacities to accept and train experts to master and then develop the nuclear electricity technology and process uranium natural resource; then carry out advanced researches at the world level in fields relating to using atomic energy (inter-sectoral basic studies, safety analysis of the nuclear electricity factory, nano-biology technology, nano materials and nano systems, technology and information systems, bio-health technology, nuclear health, health physics, biology radioactivity, radio-active isotopes analysis technology …); produce radio-activity isotopes and pharmaceuticals, manufacture semi-conductors and train staff for the country’s atomic energy industry.

Attending the Scientific workshop were representatives of leading scientists in the atomic energy industry who were working and have worked in the VAEC and other research institutes, managers from MOST and relevant agencies.

In the Workshop, Russian experts who currently worked in specialized nuclear research institutes and designing institutes, Russian Atomic Energy State- owned corporation ROSATOM; experts who were experienced in designing and manufacturing nuclear research units, nuclear piles, nuclear specialized laboratories made presentations on key contents of the project, objectives, investment of large equipment as high-capacity nuclear research piles, laboratories in order to achieve set objectives of the Center; introduced technical capacities, specialized technologies, usage and exploration capacities of high-capacity piles which have been studied, designed, manufactured, operated and maintained in Russia and other countries in the world at the proposal of the Vietnamese side, which was sent to Russia before for carefully studying and presenting in this scientific workshop.

The parties have discussed seriously about issues relating to the main project content, worked out an expected roadmap of work to be carried out so that the report on investment directions would be formulated and submitted to the Government for approval of building the Center for Nuclear Techniques and Technology Cooperation.

In conclusions of the Workshop, Russian and Vietnamese experts have agreed to a statement that it would be necessary to study and survey more carefully on relevant issues so that a persuasive scientific proposals would be prepared and served as the basis for the parties to develop the project content and submit to authorized levels for reviewing and granting permission in the coming time.

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