Experts and officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology; Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs, research institutes, universities participated. Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop - Deputy Director of VISTIP is the moderator the Seminar.

Mrs Bui Thi Huy Hop- Deputy Director of VISTIP with her opening speech at the Seminar ( photo: VISTIP)
As a country in Northern Europe with a population of more than 10 million people, Sweden continuously ranked in the group of countries with the leading innovation index in the world for many years, with more than 20 thousand scientific papers published every year. Sweden's science, technology and innovation system has a very close distribution and coordination between policy-making agencies and advisory, support organizations with S&T tasks implementing ones.

Msc Nguyen Hong Nhung- VISTIP with her presentation about Science, Technology and Innovation of Sweden at the Seminar ( Photo: VISTIP)
Science and technology play an important role in Swedish society and is focused on all levels of education. Sweden invests about 3.5% of its GDP in S&T and more than 60% of the annual GDP of Sweden is generated by S&T every year. The consideration of the government, community and individuals to education, S&T are very strong. Swedish education and research policies focus on improving the quality of schools and universities, completely free. There is 50% of the population of sweden has university degree.

PhD. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology with her presentation about STI system of Sweden and cooperation opportunities with Swedish S&T partners ( Photo: VISTIP)
As the presentation of Phd. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology: Vietnam and Sweden have a good traditional and friendly cooperation relationship. Sweden is the West-Nordic country with the largest non-refundable aid to Vietnam (over $ 3 billion - since 1967), two-way trade turnover has steadily increased over the years (reaching over $ 15 billion in 2018), ranked 33rd among 131 countries and territories investing in Vietnam. Regarding the S&T, from 1977 to 2012, the Program "Research Cooperation between Vietnam and Sweden", Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) was implemented and created many positive effects on S&T in Vietnam such as: health, law, environment and climate change, economic reform, administrative reform, information and communication technology, electrical energy and agriculture. However, after 2012, due to the change in investment objectives of SIDA, the cooperation in science and technology between Sweden and Vietnam was limited. Currently, instead of investing in the form of support from Sweden, Vietnam and Sweden gradually shift to equal cooperation with mutual benefits. In order to adapt to the new conditions, the two sides - especially scientists and managers from the Vietnamese side need to have innovation as well as positive approach to promote cooperation.
The participants had a lively and open exchange with experts to clarify the contents related to S&T cooperation with Sweden. Through the discussions, the seminar participants have many reference lessons and case studies for proposing S&T cooperation activities between Vietnam and Sweden in the coming time .
The seminar partly met the information and exchange needs of attended managers and scientists. Mrs. Bui Thi Huy Hop, Deputy Director of VISTIP, hoped that VISTIP staffs and the participants will have more opportunities to exchange information, support and cooperation activities with Sweden in particular, as well as fostering S&T international integration in general in the coming time.