Vinh orange has been granted Geographical indication registration certificate no. 00012 in Decision no. 386/QĐ-SHTT dated 31 May 2007 of the Director General of National Office of Intellectual Property. As stipulated in this Decision, the orange bearing the geographical indication including the following varieties: “Xã Đoài”, “Vân Du”, and “Sông Con” shall be produced within the territory of the communes of Nghi Diên and Nghi Hoa of Nghi Lộc district; Hưng Trung of Hưng Nguyên district; Nghĩa Bình, Nghĩa Hiếu, Nghĩa Hồng, Nghĩa Lâm, and Nghĩa Sơn of Nghĩa Đàn district; Minh Hợp of Kỳ Hợp district; Tân An, Tân Long and Tân Phú of Tân Kỳ district, Nghệ An province.
In Nghệ An, orange has been produced for ages and especially developed in the 1960s and 1970s. Through generations, local orange producers have developed a kind of orange that is favoured by the consumers and became one of the ten spearhead agricultural products of Nghệ An province. Thanks to its superior quality, the orange from this region has become well-known throughout the country and a specialty of the Nghệ land. Orange has been developed ceaselessly, enhancing its economic value, encouraging the producers to invest and expand the production, especially after the geographical indication registration certificate was granted. However, during the previous research and formulation of the geographical indication “Vinh” orange, the collection of samples to determine the appearance and quality of the orange was limited to 3 varieties planted in 12 communes of 5 districts, as these are the first areas to produce orange in Nghệ An and these are also the core areas of “Vinh” orange production. These limitations do not accurately reflect the practical situation of orange production in Nghệ An province. Therefore, Nghệ An province has developed the V2 variety, a late bloomer variety with the ability to adapt and develop well with geographical conditions of other areas in the province.
The research shows that the appearance and quality of V2 orange are on par with the varieties that were protected, namely Xã Đoài, Vân Du and Sông Con varieties. The natural conditions and production practices of the expanded area have no significant difference and completely consistent with the conditions of the protected geographical area.
The above research serves as a foundation for the amendments of Geographical Indication no. 12 on 16 August 2019 of the Department of Science and Technology of Nghệ An province, with supplements of information regarding V2 variety and expand the geographical area, from 12 communes of 5 districts to 73 communes of 11 districts of Nghệ An province. On 16 October 2019, the Director General of Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam has issued Decision no. 5004/QĐ-SHTT on amending the Geographical indication registration certificate no. 00012 for “Vinh” orange with the following amendments:
- Addition of V2 variety
V2 orange has a globe shape, the weight is averagely 180 - 250 g per fruit, the fruit can be kept on the tree for a long time without deterioration. The skin is thin and shiny, has beautiful orange colour with the average thickness of 3mm. The vesicles has a light yellow colour, smooth texture and is juicy. V2 orange has a characteristics aroma and strong sweet taste. The fruit has high water content at 86.76 to 90.65 %, the fibre percentage is low, total acidic content at 0.46 to 0.60 %, degree Brix is 9.18 to 12.95 %. Vitamin C content is 42.76 to 55.88 mg/100g.

V2 orange tree V2 orange fruit

Pulp Carpel and vesicles
- Expansion of the geographical area
The communes with similar natural conditions and production practices with the protected 12 communes of 5 districts are: Minh Thành, Đồng Thành, Xuân Thành, Trung Thành, Nam Thành of Yên Thành district; Nam Anh, Nam Hưng, Nam Kim, Khánh Sơn of Nam Đàn district; Nghi Trung, Nghi Vạn, Nghi Thuận, Nghi Kiều, Nghi Công Bắc, Nghi Công Nam, Nghi Lâm of Nghi Lộc district; Tân Hợp, Đồng Văn, Tiên Kỳ, Giai Xuân, Nghĩa Phúc of Tân Kỳ district; Nghĩa Long, Nghĩa Lộc, Nghĩa Tân, Nghĩa Liên of Nghĩa Đàn district; Hạ Sơn, Văn Lợi, Châu Đình, Nghĩa Xuân of Quỳ Hợp district; Đông Hiếu, Tây Hiếu, Quang Phong, Nghĩa Hòa of Thái Hòa town; Thanh Nho, Thanh Đức, Thanh Thủy, Thanh Hòa, Hạnh Lâm of Thanh Chương district; Linh Sơn, Khai Sơn, Đỉnh Sơn, Cao Sơn, Cẩm Sơn, Tào Sơn, Long Sơn, Thọ Sơn, Bình Sơn, Hội Sơn, Phúc Sơn of Anh Sơn district; Chi Khê, Yên Khê, Bồng Khê, Mậu Đức, Đôn Phục, Thạch Ngàn, Môn Sơn, Lục Dạ, Lạng Khê, Đông Khê, Bình Chuẩn, Cam Lâm of Con Cuông district, Nghệ An province.