Administration of industrial property representation activities in 2020

Friday, 02/04/2021 15:23 GMT+7
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IP Vietnam continued to frequently carry out management work for industrial property representation activities, contribute to improve the quality of these activities and actively supported organizations and individuals in establishing and protecting industrial property rights.

In 2020, 17 new representation organizations were recognized; 01 organization was nullified; 47 organizations were recorded as changing information and status (amendment of name, address, branches, and list of industrial property representatives); 37 new representative agents were certified; 11 representative agents were re-certified and 01 representative agent was nullified (due to his death). By the end of 2020, a total of 219 industrial property representative organizations were recognized and 367 representative agents were certified in the whole country. Among active industrial property representation organizations, 162 organizations are headquartered in Hanoi, 56 in Ho Chi Minh City, and 01 in Can Tho. Organizations which are headquartered in Hanoi have branch offices in Ho Chi Minh City and vice versa.

Continuing the mission of 2019, with an aim of raising the number of industrial property representatives to better meet the need of organizations and individuals, in 2019 IP Vietnam had also completed the assessment of the professional exam for industrial property representatives, notified the results to candidates, received and reviewed exam results that were requested to be re-assessed.

To improve management of industrial property representation activities, IP Vietnam collected periodic statistics (every 3 months) of the number of applications submitted to industrial property representation organizations. By 2020, the number of industrial property registration applications filed through industrial property representation organizations accounted for a relatively high proportion of the total number of applications filed (56,22%); The corresponding rates for application of patents, utility solutions, industrial designs and trademark were 91.14%, 38%, 69.78% and 50.83% respectively.

View: 3044

Source: IP Vietnam

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