The panorama of the meeting
In the meeting, the VEF’s Chairman has emphasized that VEF’s mission to Vietnam this time was to review the teaching program in Vietnam’s universities together with professors and researchers. This is a research project VEF started to carry out 7 years ago and so far VEF’s representative said that the project has achieved encouraging results.
Mr. Issacs Silvera has affirmed the support provided to Vietnam’s universities so that they can be of the international level in terms of the teaching quality. He reported to the Minister on achieved results as teaching methodologies in universities have been more and more active, promoting interchange between teachers and students, especially activities of combining research with teaching have been continuously carried out in order to improve the education quality. He hoped that MOST would coordinate with universities to materialize VEF’s recommendations.
Minister Nguyễn Quân said that VEF’s initiatives have been very proper, however with Vietnam’s current situation there’s still no opportunity to carry out them in a comprehensive manner. However, the Minister affirmed to continue support for research projects of university lecturers, provide direct support to strong research groups, use MOST’s financial resources to fund Vietnamese talented scientists to go to the US for research and study for the coming time.
In addition, the Minister also hoped to have VEF’s cooperation on introducing Vietnamese post-graduate students and scientists to study in US’s big universities and research institutes with preferential scholarship policies. And the Minister also shared his desire that VEF’s students would become Vietnam’s key scientists, which are important human resource for the country’s science and technology development cause.
Leaders of the two parties have agreed to continue the comprehensive cooperation, mutual support during the development of VEF’s education and science and technology projects.
Before, in the discussion with Deputy Prime Minister Nguyễn Thiện Nhân, VEF’s Chairman has proposed to the Deputy Minister the development of a joint initiative in order to create favorable conditions for attracting VEF’s post-graduate students to return and work in Vietnam’s universities with purposes of improving the teaching quality, developing research activities in Vietnam’s universities.